YARDz is a landscape maintenance company providing lawn maintenance, yard cleanups, snow clearing, and more to businesses, condo's, and residential properties in and around Leduc, Nisku, and Beaumont. Services we provide include but are not limited to Spring and Fall cleanup services, which may include individual or packaged services including Lawn Aeration, Power Raking, Bed and Hedge Power Blow Outs, Lawn and Bed Power Edging, Lawn Cut and Trim, and Lawn Vacuuming.
Sign up for Weekly Lawn Cut and Trim Services throughout Summer or while on Vacation.
We offer Tree Pruning and Hedge Trimming up to 15', watering, and perform small landscaping projects such as bed removal, refreshing, and installations.
Snow Clearing Services include varying levels of service based on your budget, and your wants and needs. Residential, Condo's, Apartments, Businesses-before you open, parking lots push-pile, and sanding.
We offer year round service contracts at excellent discount prices!
Seniors and Military members/veterans presently get 10% off otherwise undiscounted services!
YARDz is a local and reputable company, always nearby when you need us, and we're dependable!
You Work Hard, Let us Lighten Your Load!