Resources With Results

Resources With Results
Business & Professional Services Counseling
Resources With Results is an independent company that provides occupational guidance and career transition support tailored to individual and group needs. For over 24 years, Resources With Results has delivered customized programs and services that have successfully assisted hundreds of individuals to identify and ease into a suitable career direction relevant to their personal talents, skills, aptitudes, values, interests, lifestyle needs and wellness considerations. Service offerings include a wide spectrum of career planning and job search assistance, self assessments, vocational assessments, transferable skills analysis, work or volunteer role matching, labour market interpretation, resume writing, self marketing techniques, effective networking approaches, interview skills, computer skills enhancement training and preferred retirement lifestyle planning. Home office is based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Our pleasant, relaxed, professional office operates out of a Heritage House steps away from the beautiful river valley and only minutes from Downtown and the University. If needed, distance delivered virtual meetings are possible wherever Internet connection is available.