Drayden Insurance Ltd.

Drayden Insurance Ltd.
Provides brokerage services for life insurance, and disability & critical illness insurance, while also providing financial planning services, group and employee benefits plans, and RRSPs.
Drayden is an Independent Insurance Brokerage with eight branches in Edmonton and area. Founded in 1965, our company represents many leading Canadian and International Insurance Companies. This enables our brokers to thoroughly shop the insurance marketplace and offer choice and a wide range of products and terms to our policyholders. Drayden has a very strong commitment to its customers. Our Company President, Brian Nielsen, continues to support our founder’s philosophy, in that, “we take pride in our good reputation which has been earned over many years by treating our customers with honesty, fairness and by providing them with consistent quality service.” Drayden is owned by Albertans and employs over 140 people who handle the insurance and registry requirements of approximately 30,000 customers. We are well known insurance brokerage in Edmonton, our locations offer the ability to satisfy our clients’ General Insurance needs for Automobile, Home, Commercial and Farm. We also offer Financial Service Products through our Financial Specialists, including Life, Disability, Critical Illness, Group Benefits, as well as Investment Products.