BNI Alberta North

BNI Alberta North
BNI is the largest business networking organization in the world. Leduc's BNI Black Gold chapter builds local businesses by referral through skills & development training to support business growth.
Successful business depends on word-of-mouth referrals. BNI is a professional marketing organization specializing in word-of-mouth referrals.
BNI’s unique approach offers a cost-effective form of referral generation. BNI’s structured system of giving and receiving referrals creates a supportive and trusting environment for developing serious business relationships.
These relationships will convert network contacts into referred business. We all know that what goes around comes around: if I help you, you'll help me — and we will both benefit as a result.
Networking requires commitment. The most successful Chapters of BNI are comprised of participants who are sincerely committed to helping one another by networking. They are a team.
As a participant in BNI, Members are responsible for complying with the policies and guidelines of the organization. A partial list of the policies follows:
Weekly meetings last for 90 minutes. Members need to arrive on time and stay for the entire meeting.
Only one person from each professional specialty is accepted into a chapter of BNI.
All participants must represent their primary occupation.
Attendance is critical. If you cannot attend a meeting, you may send a substitute
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