Battle River Rural Electrification Association (BRREA)

Battle River Rural Electrification Association (BRREA)
Public Utilities & Environment
Battle River Power Coop has been providing safe, reliable power distribution to rural Alberta for over 70 years and our sole mission is to provide the best and most cost-effective electric power service to our 8,500+ member-owners while operating under sound cooperative business principles.
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Our rural Alberta service area stretches from the Town of Bruderheim in the north to the Village of Alix in the south, and east from the Town of Wainwright to the Village of Thorsby in the west, spanning 13 Alberta Municipal Districts and Counties.
In the 1940’s, there was no distribution system available to bring essential electricity to rural Albertans. The big corporate utility companies refused to do so as they did not believe it was financially viable. So progressive and determined farmers formed cooperatives, known as Rural Electrification Associations, and worked together to build their own rural distribution system – a cooperative effort that was a vital contributor to the economic growth of Alberta’s rural economy.
Grounded in that proud tradition of community co-operation, Battle River Power Coop is an innovative electricity distributor continually demonstrating flexibility in meeting the needs of our members by implementing new technology and developing member and community oriented programs.
Following key cooperative principles, the Board of Directors for the Battle River Cooperative REA are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting held locally within our rural service area. These Directors are members who live and work in the communities we serve and truly understand the needs of the members they represent.
We take the commitment to our members and the social and economic responsibility to our community seriously.
Under our cooperative business model we do not generate profits for stockholders; we produce tangible savings annually for members producing positive direct economic impact for rural Alberta.
We invest in our youth – annually awarding 5 scholarships to member’s children to assist in their post-secondary educations.
We source all of the goods and services we use annually within our region first, and then provincially.
We develop rural initiatives like the Member Value Program that supports local, rural business.
We support community by developing synergies with the 13 Municipal Districts and Counties where we provide services; annually coordinating activities such as vegetation management, line patrols and capital projects. These synergies leverage member and taxpayer dollars for maximum return.
We support community through free public safety initiatives and make presentations to EMS, fire departments and schools across our service area.
Battle River Power Coop is an electric distribution service in Alberta with a 70+ year history.