Wetaskiwin & District Victim Services

Wetaskiwin & District Victim Services
Personal Services
A police-based program mandated by Alberta Justice & Solicitor General & RCMP ''K'' Division. We work with victims from the time police respond to a crime until the end of the criminal justice process
Who We Are
The Wetaskiwin Victim Services Unit is police based and operates out of the Wetaskiwin RCMP Detachment. Our role is to provide individuals affected by crime and tragedy with information, support and referral from the time of the incident and throughout the criminal justice proceedings.
The Wetaskiwin Victim Service Unit is governed by the Wetaskiwin and District Victim Services Society, managed by an Executive Director and mostly staffed with volunteer Victim Service Advocates. The governing Board of Directors consists of representatives from the greater Wetaskiwin community and the Wetaskiwin RCMP Detachment. The Society is a not-for-profit organization with charity status.
The Unit’s Victim Service Advocates are led by the Executive Director and provide professional calibre services and front-line support to our clients. All volunteers and staff members are certified by Alberta Solicitor General and must be able to receive and maintain enhanced RCMP security clearance. We offer extensive ongoing training to volunteers and staff members throughout their term of service.
What We Do
The Wetaskiwin Victim Service Unit provides crisis intervention services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note that our office is NOT staffed 24 h, if you have an emergency that requires Police, Ambulance or Fire services please call 911.
Our Advocates are dispatched by the RCMP or other emergency service providers with the goal of alleviating trauma and reducing the emotional impact of a crisis situation.
In addition our Unit provides referrals to other pertinent agencies and acts as a link between the justice system and victims of crime and tragedy.
Services Provided Are:
- Follow-up on the initial police response and provide assistance to victims as their cases proceed through the criminal justice system
- Crisis intervention
- Referral to other pertinent agencies and direction
- Inform victims of crime about their rights within the justice system including information about Victim Impact Statements, Restitution applications, and Victims of Crime Fund applications.
- Provide victim and witness court support
- Provide Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) debriefings