School is Easy Tutoring

School is Easy Tutoring
School is Easy continually works towards improvement in every aspect of its service. School is Easy students/parents have an easy smooth experience when searching for a certified teacher. All clients are treated equally regardless if they are inquiring about a one time session or for 50 sessions. School is Easy is reliable, safe, and reasonable in their expectations of students. Our policies are fair and consistent, one initial 5 minute call is enough to make a match. Within 48 hours or less the parent will receive a phone call and email with the contact information of a certified teacher living in their area that matches their schedule and teaches the subject they require. The student does not have to commit to a certain number of hours and the sessions can end at any time with no penalty as long as the student gives more than 24 hours notice. Monthly report cards are given to parents and our teachers are held to a high standard. Teachers must be certified and/or hold a masters degree with teaching experience. They must have good references regarding their teaching practices and criminal record checks are done. School is Easy has won multiple awards and donate ten percent of profits to our foundation called ''Every Child Deserves a Chance''. We look forward to helping students succeed and gain confidence in their studies!